My father was a mechanic, and as such he worked with other mechanics

The other mechanics would bring in their lawnmowers, chainsaws, and other small engines for my father to fix

I never gave this much thought - I knew my father was a good mechanic, I served as the tool fetcher my whole life and saw him build and repair some complicated things

My father was a good mechanic because he loved his craft. He would work 8 hours on large diesel machines and then come home and fix stuff just for fun. Anything with a gasoline engine being thrown out curbside was a challenge for him, and he’d get them all running.

Our neighbor once commented that it must be great to be able to fix your own car and avoid paying a mechanic. My dad responded that he’d rather be a doctor and not give a second thought to the cost of the mechanic’s bill. I find this funny but in hindsight I think it’s false. He’d still be doing it himself, that’s just how he is.

As I settle into my own craft and try to find my own way, it’s worth asking myself - am I on the path to be a programmer’s programmer?